New Features - February 2020

Whenever we speak to customers, we always ask how they think eduTrips could be improved. Sometimes that is large changes such as the security features below or sometimes it is just adding a simple link to make working with eduTrips that little bit easier.

Below are some of the features we have released in the last month to make eduTrips even easier to use.


Student Quick Add

You can now click the "Add" link next to the name of the student which will instantly add them to the Participant List. Easy!


Improved Authorisation View

As part of our improved Dashboard, we have improved the way that you see what trips or Risk Assessments you still need to authorise. Previously the only way was to check your messages, now on the dashboard you can see all outstanding authorisations.

We have moved the old messages into your Notifications window, top right of the eduTrips app.  and you still receive your notification email.


Student and Trip Data Access Controls

Although eduTrips only accesses student data it needs to operate, it can hold sensitive data about your students so you may want to restrict some staff to only be able to access data for their year, class or group.

Also, for larger schools and colleges, you may prefer that your trip organisers can only access trips created by themselves or by their department rather than all the trips.


These are some of the notable improvements to the system so far.

We are already working on new feature updates including payments, messaging and a brand new trip planning experience.

An exciting 2020 ahead!
